Friday, July 22, 2016


 Dark greetings! 

We will be attending this year's Komikon Indieket on August 6, 2016. I am going with Guadix and we will be at the Kuro Saku booth. She will be releasing her first one shot story entitled E&D and I will be re-releasing my Satanhigh issues from Chapter 1 - 6 (and maybe more.. *wink wink!*). We hope to see you guys there and drop by our Kuro Saku booth to get our new releases and reprints and other Kuro Saku and Komikult titles and support local and indie Komik book artists! 

 Here's yours truly promoting the event and sharing some thoughts on why I make komiks;

This photo was taken way back when, in 2007 at another convention when I was signing my comics with my own blood.

Quote from above in English:

"I make komiks so that I could share unusual stories and events for people to open their minds."  -Marius Black

If you're in the Philippines this August 6, 2016 and you love comics and manga, then I suggest you drop by this year's Indieket held at Bayanihan Center - Unilab Pioneer Avenue, 1501 Mandaluyong City Philippines.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Dark greetings evil students!

BEHOLD! Satanhigh Chapter 2; The Art Teacher from Hell! 

Click the cover to enter the School for Special Children Misunderstood

or click this link to jump: